About Fifty

January 3rd, 2011


About Fifty

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About Fifty

During a holiday get-a-way to Palm Springs, two fifty year-old men find unexpected results while trying to re-live their younger days in this comic coming of age story about the coming of age.

Release Year: 2011

Rating: 4.9/10 (104 voted)

Director: Thomas Johnston

Stars: Martin Grey, Drew Pillsbury, Wendie Malick

A modern comedy that explores the simple truth that it's never too late to start over again. Even at age 50. We meet two long-time golf-buddies, Adam, going through a trial separation from his wife of 15 years and Jon, who is not only losing work to the 'young guy', but also dealing with a 'generous' prostate. They decide to take off on a weekend journey to let loose and re-live the Palm Springs get-a-way of their younger days but meet with unexpected results. Struggling to fit in with the younger crowd, they find surprising comfort through encounters with women nearer their own age. As the weekend progresses, both are forced to come to a truce with middle life's predicaments. A film that asks the question, "If fifty is the new thirty then why do my knees ache?" in what may be the world's first coming of age story... about the coming of age.

Writers: Thomas Johnston, Drew Pillsbury

Martin Grey - Adam
Drew Pillsbury - Jon
Wendie Malick - Kate
Michaela McManus - Alix
Anne-Marie Johnson - Erin
Jessalyn Gilsig - Jessica
Kathleen Noone - Peggy
Steve Hytner - Larry
Miriam Flynn - Nancy
Audrey Wasilewski - Becca
Rebecca Field - Michelle
Victor McCay - Doctor
Garrett Strommen - Dan
Victor Bohy - Waiter
John Rundall - Older Man

Taglines: The beginning of the end... or the end of the beginning.


Official Website: Official site |

Release Date: 3 Jan 2011

Filming Locations: Desert Willow Gold Club, Palm Desert, California, USA

Technical Specs

Runtime: USA:

User Review

Good Movie - Good Story

Rating: 10/10

As Jon and Adam go on their journey together, they take you with them, their ups and downs, and inevitable realization of what life is all about. All the actors were genuine, and the story credible - It was sentimental, dramatic and funny - all the elements of a good movie - highly recommend this film. The location of the film, set in the desert (or at the golf course) put you into the lives of Adam and Jon, along with the memorable people they encounter. You begin on their road trip with them, not knowing what to expect, as neither do they. Where it ends up is not far off from the "real world". Adam seeming to struggle with life, going through a possible divorce, the emotions of why and what else is there. Jon resisting getting older and feeling the trials and tribulations. The women in the movie hold their own and add a good balance to the two male leads.


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