Just Like a Woman

July 8th, 2013


Just Like a Woman

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A Chicago housewife runs off to Santa Fe to compete in a belly dancing competition.

Release Year: 2012

Rating: 6.4/10 (246 voted)

Director: Rachid Bouchareb

A Chicago housewife runs off to Santa Fe to compete in a belly dancing competition.

Writers: ,

Country: , ,

Release Date:

Filming Locations: Hollis, Oklahoma, USA

User Review


Rating: 3/10

I think your chances of enjoying this movie increases if you're not burdened by having a penis and/or a brain.

The central theme seems to be that most males (except for a gay dance instructor) are complete and utter misogynistic assholes and perverts, not to mention racists. The two girls technically look good dancing, of course, but this movie is so full of self-righteousness and feministic self-pity that it somehow manages to make even a pair as gorgeous as these two come across as almost completely devoid of any sexiness. Of course, that's probably the last thing they're aiming to be -- I'm just warning any fellow male viewers out there who somehow think this movie is a good source for eye-candy. It's really not. Most characters are stereotypical caricatures and you're left with little else than the clear impression that the writers want to inform you that it's not easy to a be a woman, and especially not a non-caucasian immigrant woman. Which I'm sure is correct, to some extent, but it makes for a god-awful, hysterically untertaining(TM) movie.


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